

A movie database created with data from IMDB

Main page for MovieMagicBase with a grid of movies.
Page showcasing Pulp Fiction the movie
Light mode for the main page
Light mode pulp fiction page
Graph showing 10,000 movies
graphql apollo client interface

A school project to learn GraphQL.

Uses the IMDB Dataset available at

Imported with custom python scripts into Neo4J.

Frontend connects via an Apollo client and server.

Schemas and resolvers are autogenerated with @neo4j/introspector and @graphql-codegen/cli

Also uses Recoil.js to manage state for sorting and filtering.

Both component testing and end-to-end testing have been performed.

We executed tests using the following:

  1. vitest: A modern, fast, and type-safe testing framework for Vite projects.
  2. @testing-library/react: A simple and complete set of React DOM testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
  3. @testing-library/jest-dom: A set of custom jest matchers that you can use to extend jest. These will make your tests more declarative, clear to read, and to maintain.
  4. jest: A comprehensive JavaScript testing framework.
  5. cypress: An end-to-end testing framework.
  6. @vitest/coverage-istanbul: A plugin for Vitest to generate code coverage reports using Istanbul.